本刊声明 Statement of this publication_中国婚礼杂志社

本刊声明 Statement of this publication

2021-12-20 19:41:28  浏览:832  作者:管理员

本刊声明 Statement of this publication


Statement of this publication 

    All the pictures and texts published in this publication are not allowed to be reproduced without authorization; the authors are responsible for the copyright and portrait rights of the articles in this publication; during the compilation process, some newspapers, websites, writings and pictures have been referred to. Due to difficulties in contacting, the authors of some selected articles and pictures were not able to get in touch. I am very grateful and apologize. After seeing this journal, the original author is kindly requested to contact us in time so that we can present sample journals in accordance with relevant regulations. If you find that the magazine has quality problems such as missing pages or incompleteness, please send the magazine directly to the editorial department of "Chinese Wedding" magazine. 




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